Tuesday, February 16, 2010

"You want me to do what?!"

I take pride in my appearance. I probably care too much and spend a little too much time on how I look but unfortunately it is one of those character flaws I am trying to work on. If any of you ladies have discovered the secret to not caring what you look like then please do me a favor and enlighten me.

So I had on this not quite red, not quite pink jacket and wedge heels that matched perfectly. I'm telling you, it was going to be a good day. Now these wedges were brand spanking new (note to self: never break in new heels at work where you are stuck wearing them for 8 hours). Thirty minutes into my day, my feet were starting to squirm. "This was a bad idea, " I thought. Oh well, "suck it up girl. You are a professional now and your legs look hot."

I did not know that some bosses put their employees through job initiations. I always thought that that kind of thing was reserved for gangs, fraternities and sororities. Well my boss took one look at me and immediately I could see the wheels turning, "Now what can I do to torture our newest employee?" I did not like the look on her face. The hair on my arms stood on end and I felt the air around me take on a distinct chill. "Oh Copy Girl!" she said patronizingly. "I have a special job for you. I need this box of documents taken to the building downtown. Oh and you'll have to walk." "Alright. No problem," I said as I felt my feet scream "are you crazy?!" I turned to go and caught the look on my boss's face, "Hmph! That'll teach her never to wear her pretty little heels again." Funny thing, it did.

By the time I got home the skin on my heels was completely rubbed off and bleeding. I had blisters the size of grapes, and the bones in my feet felt like a pile of mangled hangers. What a day. I think it's time to go shopping for flats.