Tuesday, July 6, 2010

The Close of One Chapter...

Over the last several weeks I have had the amazing honor of tangibly experiencing the faithfulness of the Lord. Twelve months ago when I accepted my first real job out of college, I asked the Lord how long He was going to keep me there. I felt Him whisper in my spirit, "One year." As the year went on I hoped against hope that the Lord would provide me with a new, more exciting job before the year was up. "Lord, I don't know if I can last a whole year here," I found myself praying. In January I was feeling like I was reaching the end of my rope. I scoured job ads, sent out applications, and even went on an interview. Nothing. "Lord," I panicked, "a year will be up in a few months. Don't you think you should get moving on the new job thing?" Then I heard as clear as day, "One year, one year, one year!" With a sigh I said, "Alright then, it's up to You."

Wouldn't you know that just as I hit the 11 month mark, the Lord moved in an incredible way. Just as I began to give in to despair, hopelessness, and fear, God opened a door. I knew it had to be Him because I never would have thought of working at my very own church! Yet here I am as an Administrative Ministry Assistant. His timing is perfect and His ways, mysterious.

Looking back, I am so thankful for my stint as a Copy Girl. It was definitely a year of learning, growing, and experiencing God in new and profound ways. As a result of my first job out of college, I am humbled and so much more appreciative of where I am now.

So now I must hang up my cape and relinquish my role as Copy Girl only to reveal my true identity. I am Razmataz the Awkward and I am looking forward to the many adventures that lie before me. Stay Tuned!