Monday, February 15, 2010

The Adventures of Copy Girl

The ink was barely dry on my diploma before I landed my very first full time job. College life was officially over and a new chapter in my life was unfolding. I tried to be brave as I boarded the elevator to the sixth floor. I had no idea what lay ahead but I trusted that the Lord had brought me this far and He was not going to leave me now.

Basically all I knew was that my title was "Office Assistant." A little copying, a little filing, how hard could this job be? I had traded in my jeans and flip flops for a more "professional" look with heels and everything. If nothing else I looked good. I took a deep cleansing breath as I exited the elevator and walked through the gleaming glass doors. "This is going to be an adventure," I thought to myself as I tried to quell the butterflies in my stomach.

And an adventure it has been. I plan to document some of these adventures to gain perspective, try to keep my sanity, and laugh. The following stories are based on my life at the office.